Cover of Fall 2020 BookMark Magazine with graduate tossing cap in the air

On the Cover

Even though classes went online in March, many graduating seniors took photos on campus—often with the Du Bois Library in the background—and posted them on social media (see “Gallery”).

The cover photo of Morganne Gallagher ’20 was taken by her fellow graduate, Abigail Lee ’20. Morganne shared a little about her experience and what she’s been up to since the photo was taken.

“I graduated with a double major in Special Education and Psychology. I am now attending Merrimack College for a yearlong fellowship to get my Master’s in Elementary Education while teaching full-time in Lawrence Public Schools. I have been living at my family home in Westford, Mass., while taking my graduate school classes online.

I was sad not to finish out the senior year that I had been hoping for, but all of the professors were great about making classes accessible from everywhere. I am still holding out hope for a graduation ceremony down the line, but everything that UMass provided in the meantime, like the virtual graduation, really helped in making myself and the rest of the graduating class feel celebrated.”

Congratulations graduates!